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Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

The goal of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts is to give its students the best possible artistic education.

Founded in 1871 it has since kept alive the most important artistic traditions of Hungarian art, while continuously reflecting on the newest trends in contemporary art. Students can study painting, graphics, intermedia studies, fine art theory, scenography, restoration and sculpting at the various departments of the university, and can also choose later to take part in the PhD program, which guarantees a post-graduate diploma with an excellent theoretical and practical background. The various exhibition spaces of the university (the foremost being Barcsay Hall), the university library and its collections can be visited all year long. The studio houses of Epreskert, the Feszty House, the Intermedia Building, the Labor Gallery in downtown Budapest, and the artists’ colony in Tihany are all also integral parts of the university.
