Microsoft Office 365 Hallgatói Neptun Oktatói Neptun


Határidő meghosszabbítva: 2014. július 15!

CILECT launches a call for video spots that will be presented to EXPO’2015 in Milano, Italy ( This is a joint project with our Italian member Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (CSC), Rome and has been made possible by the generosity of its Dean Caterina d’Amico (CILECT President 2000-2008).

PROJECT The general idea is that EXPO‘2015 will open a platform, a sort of blog made of videos and NOT of written statements. The videos should contribute thoughts, images, emotions, infos on the theme "Food for the Planet, Energy for Life". The platform will stay open for one year. At the opening of EXPO’2015, the platform will be converted into a mosaic of images that will be despayed on a gigantic wall placed at the entrance of Pavillion Zero.

Further information in the attachements.