Sinkovits Imre Institute of Theatre Arts

Address: 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi u. 32.

Faculties: theatre director | assistant theatre director | acting | puppetry | musical actor

Our Institution

One of the pillars of our 155-year-old University is the training of theater professionals, including actors and directors. This activity is encompassed by the Institute of Theatre and Film Arts, whose teachers and staff are renowned artists with significant achievements in the Hungarian and international theater scene, serving as directors, actors, and skill-development experts in addition to their teaching duties.   Beside stage practice, studies including dubbing and filmmaking.

Head of Institution

Dr. Tamás Herczeg

Bánffy Prize-winning cultural manager, theater director, honorary college professor at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Szeged, and university professor at the University of Theatre and Film Arts.


Theatre Director
The aim of the training is to train theatre directors who are familiar with the trends of world historical and contemporary theatre, can present their individual concept on stage, and are able to use their theoretical and practical knowledge to develop a personal voice and to manage a group of artists or a company.

Assistant Theatre Director
The aim of the education is to train professionals who, by acquiring an accurate knowledge of the theatre workflow, will be able to see through and organise the rehearsal process when creating theatre performances. to work alongside the director in other specialist tasks (props, prompter, usher) and, where necessary, to ensure the background and smooth running of performances in both theatres and independent companies.

Our university launched three classes of Drama – Acting, Puppetry and Musical Actor specialisation.

The aim of the course is to train theatre artists who, with theoretical knowledge and complex practical skills, can perform in a variety of theatrical styles in the domestic theatre and international theatre scene, in line with the challenges of the times. The training will give particular attention to stage acting and film acting. The aim is to lay the foundations for future success in film and television. The training of students will also include preparation for radio and film dubbing. The studies can be continued with a doctorate.

Puppetry specialisation
The aim of the training is to prepare puppeteers who, with theoretical knowledge and complex practical skills, are able to create to a high standard both in a puppet theatre company and independently. They are also prepared to perform to a high standard in theatre, film, television and radio productions, as well as in film dubbing.

Musical actor specialisation
The musical actor training is the same as the actor training, but with a greater emphasis on developing the musical training of students. The aim of the specialisation is to enable graduates to excel in any musical genre in addition to prose. Previous musical or vocal training is not required.


Adél Gosztola

Erika Kiss
manager assistant

Petra Gere