Inspiring Visits

Irene Vecchia, Teatro delle Guarattelle company, Italy - Puppetry


“Great institution, spacious and well-equipped rooms, excellent organization. I am proud to see how a still unknown puppet style could become a language accessible to young students, and each in his own way could experience the precision, the rhythm, the effectiveness of such a wise and ancient tradition.” – 2023


Prof. Deborah Hardt, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey - Film Art


“The history, focus, and staff are a few of the obvious strengths of the University. Hungary’s long tradition of filmmaking and the support it provides to students of all backgrounds are what makes the University an essential institution, making the future of filmmaking in Hungary in a bright one. The students were knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and very welcoming to me. They were attentive and interested in the material I was teaching. I got a lot out of their observations and our discussions.” – 2023

Prof. Tárkányi János - Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Film Art


“Good equipment park, good reputation and long history in film teaching.” – 2023

Prof. Vera Carmo - University of Maia, Portugal - Video Art


I chose The University of Theatre and Film Arts of Budapest due to its evident synergy between theatre and cinema. Theatre, in my perspective, represents live production and is rooted deeply in performance and immediacy. Cinema, on the other hand, often leans towards narration and crafted fiction. Intriguingly, these two disciplines intersect vibrantly in the realm of video art. Video emerges as a companion to performance, a tool for surveillance, and a swift means for artists to capture the nuances of everyday life. Given these overlaps, I felt that the university was the ideal place for my area of study.

The University of Theatre and Film Arts of Budapest offers modern facilities that support hands-on teaching. A notable strength is its interdisciplinary focus, bridging theatre and film for a comprehensive arts education. Moreover, its location in Budapest enriches the academic experience with the city’s vibrant cultural heritage.” – 2023

Prof. Paulo Leite - Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Portugal - Film Financing and Marketing


“The prestige of your institution and to meet other teachers and students led to my teaching mobility visit to SZFE.

You have great teachers and great facilities. I wish I could come back to teach a longer workshop.” – 2023

Gilberto Conti Padao– Charles University , Prague – Theatre Studies - Puppetry and Mask Workshop


The students, teachers are really involved and worked hard to deliver an amazing work. The employees were so kind and helpful anytime we needed support. Also, the place of the building, with nature, the theatre room, also joined with the beauty of Budapest, so finalizing it was unforgettable experience. Capable, smart, hard workers, nice, respectful, and also talented students.” – 2024

Bianca Alessandra Ara - RUFA - Rome University of Fine Arts, Italy - Performative Techniques


“My experience lasted two days but I was able to appreciate a high level of the students which is surely due to a highly qualified staff and choice of subjects. I found the students highly motivated, co-operative, and curious in discovering new tools for their Art.

They worked very well as a group; their knowledge of English was good and actively joined in every aspect of my workshop. It has been a true pleasure to work with them.” – 2024

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